Our cultivated mussels and oysters are amongst the most environmentally friendly food products around and are harvested from the pristine seas off the Scottish west coast and Shetland.
They are grown on ropes suspended from floats in the sea and feed naturally off plankton in the rich tidal flows that ensures the growth of succulent and sweet tasting mussels.
Scottish rope grown mussels are an excellent example of sustainable sourcing. The young mussels (as free floating larvae or spat) settle naturally on the suspended ropes, and then grow by feeding on sea plankton and do not require any external feed sources (or indeed veterinary treatments). It takes about three years from settlement of the juveniles for the mussels to be ready for harvesting. Scottish rope-grown mussels do not grow on the seabed and are not dredged for harvesting, which means they are full-bodied and grit-free.
Furthermore, independent scientific research has shown that the carbon foot print for producing mussels is 19 times less than beef!
Our mussel farming operations are also independently certified by the Marine Stewardship Council for the environmentally responsible way in which they are produced.